

An ethereal being bathing in moonlight: Shone Puipia unfolds the HEAVEN MOON OSMANTHUS scent into the visual language of dress and garment design. A dreamy and symphonic presence of Tontawan Tanivejakul twirls in the air, capturing the magic of a celestial soirée.

“This character is like the spirit of the scent. There’s an angelic quality to the design with its pearly white and translucent material. The delicate textures, the careful craftsmanship, and the simple elegance speak to both the dress and the scent.”

From ethereal moonlit bloom to captivating design unfolding the HEAVEN MOON OSMANTHUS scent

As I close my eyes and inhale, the HEAVEN MOON OSMANTHUS takes me to a realm of dreamy and delicate sensuality. Infused with its light, airy, fresh, and clean essence, I envision an ethereal being awakening, like flowers unfurling in the moonlight.


Inspired by a coat from our archive, patterned with bouquets of white flowers, the new creation reveals a delicate layer of floral design underneath. This visual translation of surreal proportions is rendered through embroidery and fabric appliqué that follows the body’s contour.

Moonlit whispers of Osmanthus's untold of Chinese Mythology about the moon

I envisioned the presence of an ethereal being from the heavens bathing in the moonlight—a surreal and ghostly presence that brought forth a cloud of white petals with the fresh scent of osmanthus.


Like the spirit of the Osmanthus scent, capturing the character of an angel-like quality with its pearly white and translucent material. Her beautiful presence is strong but seems to fly away at any moment like you’re in a dream.

Materials and textures that whisper their stories on the skin with a moving symphony of Osmanthus scent.

This dress design is all about creating the illusion of moonlight with varying transparencies and elements that seem to float and glow on the skin, as if the wearer is bathing in moonlight. The luxurious hand-feel of the light yet crisp drape of silk organza boasts clean graphic details of embroidery, clear sequins, and beads, offering a captivating play of light and texture.


As I imagine the cloud of white petals floating in the air, I picture a dress that is not fitted but instead floats on the body, fluttering and flowing as the dancer moves to the rhythm. Reminiscent of oriental-style robes, the construction consists of two panels of fabric held together by delicate ribbons. The dress unfolds like a work of art, designed to be admired not only when worn but also displayed as a hanging tapestry.

The echo of the Osmanthus

I wish the piece could act as a visual aid while one experiences the HEAVEN MOON OSMANTHUS scent. The delicate textures, careful craftsmanship, and simple elegance speak to both the dress and the scent. We have our story to tell, but I hope the dress allows everyone to dream their own narrative as well.

Shone Puipia and PAÑPURI

It was a pleasure working with the team, from our initial conversations about the scent and the stories surrounding it to the conceptualization and creation of the design. They had a strong and clear vision for the campaign, and our role was to help enhance this storytelling through fabric and clothing. Thank you for trusting us to create this dream with you.

“This character embodies the spirit of the scent. There’s an angelic quality to the design, with its pearly white and translucent material. The delicate textures, careful craftsmanship, and simple elegance speak to both the dress and the scent.”

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